There are profound implications for sexual, physical and psychological health.

Sometimes we say vagina, when we really mean vulva. 

“What’s the difference” and “Is this something we should even care about?”


Welcome to Know Your Vulva.

Project “Know Your Vulva” IS A website landing page with a blog style content, pushed out through social channels on FB, Twitter and IG, (Medium, guest blogs) THAT can make people feel better, not worse after visiting the website. They can learn about vulvas and so be better informed to advocate for their own health or understand a partner/friends situation.

They can also learn about different treatments and the social construction of vulvodynia that they might not learn from a medical professional FOR Vulva owners/Vulvodynia patients & partners WHO  need more information and shareable content because there is a shortage of knowledge about vulvas. UNLIKE searching online/social media, visiting different health professionals, learning through friends and family or sex positive education, or completely ignore the problem whatsoever OUR PROJECT will be more upbeat, well researched and private, but also very shareable. It will also be very interconnected to the network of resources available.

Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.

Albus Dumbledore

First things first.

Live the good vulva life.

Reclaiming public space.

What the doc doesn’t always mention.

Be a part of change.

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